Friday March 4, 2005


DeeDee and I signed up our house with GreenCine tonight. I put 30 movies in my queue real quick (there’s new version Raging Bull!). I was on NetFlix a few years ago but this is waaaay better for the movie geek. Perfect to try out my new vision system on.

I especially love the Movie Primers section where you can setup your film school curriculum much easier. I’m really into the Iranian New Wave and they have a really good essay on it. They use extensive IMDB links for stuff they don't have. I once heard that they best way to get a film education was not to watch a bunch of movies by different directors, but to just pick a director and watch their whole cannon, beginning to end. I've done that with quite a few and I have to recommend it. You get a much better idea of how technique and theme work together from the perspective of a single artist. GreenCine lets you do this when you click on a director, you can just queue up all their movies. Another one I like is the new releases.

Anyhow, if you're a NetFlixer, I say switch.

voyeurs of the world, give something back!

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