Friday January 4, 2002

When I pulled out from the pump it sounded like I ran over something so I looked back and the hose from the gas pump was lying on the ground. I'd left it stuck in my tank and ripped it clean off the pump. My first thought was, "Wow, I drove of with it in my car, just like in the movies." Then I thought, "I wonder if anybody saw that."

I wasn't going to just take off like a chump so I got out, inspected the damage, (and found out that there's some sort of quick-release mechanism so you don't ruin the nozzle when you do what I did) and went inside to tell the clerk about it. It was one of those vast I-5 filling stations with a McDonalds in it where the clerk never even looks outside. I says, "I pulled out with the nozzle stuck in my tank and ripped the hose off." He looks down, sighs, and says, "License please."

I'm kind of shocked. What does he mean talking to me like he's a cop. I asked what he needed it for and he said, "In case you broke it they need to charge you for the damage." And I'm like, what the hell? I came in here out of the generosity of my heart. You want to charge me? You didn't even catch me! I could've just sped off into the night. Here I am, bothering you, distracting you from refilling the cigarettes, so I can *let you know* about a little accident in you station and you want to take down my license?

I went back into the car and got it out and he copied it down.