Monday July 30, 2001

Porter Ricks was a character on the show "Flipper" and also the best electronic music I've heard since Aphex Twin. The bass of "Polytoxic 1" from _Symbiotics_ bounced off the walls of David's meat locker apartment as we ate Blue Dolphins. I filmed him playing upright bass and I filmed his dentist's chair and we went to the party.

yadda yadda

nother party


We wanted to make some good stuff for ourselves. Something to delight our senses. I started driving toward Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard. I was sure we'd get stopped or pulled over but we just drove on in. A truck patrolled in the darkness but didn't seem to care about us. Looks like the hours of 5am to 6am are wide open if you want to catch the sunrise. That's what we did, parked at the end of a long pier -- right in between that crane we got from Germany in WW2 that nobody knows what to do with and the seagulls. And we dreamed of having the energy to break into that beautiful glass building with a crane coming out of the fifth floor. David slept while I worked the area with my digital camera.