Wednesday March 27, 2002

Every goddamn day of the past 9 years I've walked out my front door and seen old Georgia O'Keefe. There's always a bunch of people standing on the corner straining to get the whole facade to fit in their 50mm lens. I'm proud and a bit weary of it at the same time.

Here's a view of the top, which I prefer to the "celebration-of-the-handicapped-minority-aids-activist-dykes-in-wheelchairs" thing going on next to Georgia, which is now spray-painted over.

This is truly the most beautifully painted building I've ever seen. I've been on Lapidge for every day of its life. I'm not sure what they can do to restore it. Keith Sklar's "Learning Wall" used to my favorite building painting before it got fucked up. I think I heard that he destroyed it himself because it had accumulated some graffiti. Hope the same thing doesn't (I know it won't) happen here.

voyeurs of the world, give something back!

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