Sunday December 23, 2001

Fight Fight Fight Parry Parry Parry

When you first started off, you walked downstairs and 3 Kobolds killed your party. You used all the Katino's and Dios's you had (2?) but it wasn't enough. Back to Gilgamesh's Tavern and Boltac's Trading Post to make another party.

As you were mapping out the 20x20 grid of the first level on computer graph paper, Calfo'ing those chests, you stumbled upon a secret room and fought Murpy's Ghost. If you managed to kill him, and kill him over and over again, you got some real XP's and some real spells, like Mahalito. The game really started when you got Mahalito. Soon you upgraded to Dalto, Madalto and finally, Tiltowait. Tiltowait was a very powerful spell for a 12 year old.

Beware when opening web pages dedicated to the game, like those in the webring, many are trapped with annoying, poisonous MIDI music that plays on in the background while you hurriedly try to get information off it. Like this one, the pages are gushingly sweet, imbued with the same "Stand By Me" brand of nostalgia for endless summer days and nights in front of the old Apple II. I can't express how obsessive I was about getting Werdna's amulet.

I don't remember how I stumbled on the Bishop identify cheat but I can remember doing it and then being really bummed that I couldn't take my buffed up characters into Wizardry III. How did me and Mondo figure that cheat out when there weren't any gaming webpages, weren't any BBS's, weren't any magazines, weren't nothing? It was the first thing that I cared enough about to hack. You could make save games and copy your characters though a little trick with the scenario disk. Wizardy 8 is out now and it's sparking a new round of nostaglia. Eh, whatever. I'd rather play Wizardy I than 8 anyday.

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