Sticking With Strict Chronological Order, Here It Is

I remember the day when my father died. It's so-mo. There's only 2 days like that in your life. At least today I'm not sick and tired. I'm in a cab on the way down to Indian Airlines. Gonna see what they can do. Marine Drive. It's so nice out today. I can see the airline building in the haze covering the Queen's Necklace right now. The 123 bus goes this way, I'll have to remember that.
You know what's really weird? Looking at yourself in the mirror on the day a parent dies. That's weird. I did it when I brushed my teeth and again when I slammed the gate on the on the elevator. Weird may seem like a shallow emotion but it's the most complex, deep thing I can feel. It's my word for all the things that priests and philosopher's talk about. I've consumed my fair share of priests and philosopher's talk. Enough to make me think I have some right to regurgitate it to you. But if I do my job as a "writer" well enough, you'll never even notice it and I'll be warping your minds and loving you with such force you'll swear you saw it in a movie somewhere.
- Intro
- Angeles, Take Two
- Inflights
- In de pendence day
- Showermaster
- Read Here for Information on India
- Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya
- I Live in a Treehouse
- Random Stuff About This Place
- Straws, Bucks and Lawns
- Coming and Going
- Any Ol' Punk Will Do
- The View from Swaraj Terrace
- Freshlimesoda
- No Bowling Alleys or Prostitutes in This One
- Bowling Alleys: Only For the Young, Rich and Bored-Trendy.
- <meta name='keywords' content='sex, sex, sex, sex, sex'>
- I Met some Boys On a Train to Pushkar
- I Met some Boys On the Street in Pushkar
- Bus-tin a Move
- Pinky Eyes, They're Watchin You, They See Your Every Move
- What You Write when You're in a Sleeper Car
- Birthday Boy
- Movie Review
- Pretty Long, but Every Word the God's Honest Truth
- Givin Props
- Sticking With Strict Chronological Order, Here It Is
- Here's some more
- German Optics
- Shopper's Alert
- Eleanor
- Compassion
- Multi-Infarct Dementia
- Let us now praise protocol pioneers
- Thirty Four
- Cookie Cutter
- What Does Your Soul Look Like?
- Bye Bye, Swaraj Terrace
- Long, Boring Writing About a Short, Exciting Skateboard Ride
- Swingin For the Cheap Seats
- Request Timed Out
- Ah, Bed. "With Two Mattresses, Please."
- Giving Birth
- Momma, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up
- Ticketmaster
- This Journal Cost Me Sixty Dollars
- The Mahanagari Express
- We Got a Floater!
- Kiss My Holi Ass You Punks!
- Better Yet, Kiss My Diseased Holi Ass, You Punks
- Indian Beauty
- Exhibition Cum Sale
- The Puff Guide
- Man Surrounded by Tea: "Let's See some Magic Folks!"
- Sikkimese Graffiti
- Pelling Hotel Play-By-Play
- Brrrickfist Sah?
- Singapore Slingshot
- The Situation Is Right for a Lovely Fight