Sikkimese Graffiti

It was 12:36pm today before something happened to light up my insides and make me glad I'm alive. It struck me that this stuff happens every day eventually. At some point, my day becomes christened by beauty and nothing is the same after that. Today I got up, OK, actually I laid in bed listening to the jeep and bus stand under my window here in Gangtok. I finally made it out around a quarter to 12 just in time for check-out and I walked to the place where you get a jeep to the western part of Sikkim. I got a seat on the 1:30 jeep to Pelling and went into a restaurant where they were eating food I didn't recognize. They had no menu. Neat, I thought, just like my first day in Bangalore. I watched the guy in the booth with me (you have to sit with other people sometimes) finish his lunch. He didn't look up at me but gobbled his rice, watery gravy, beef cubes and potatoes. I ordered what he had and ate it. It was OK. My mother would have liked it. Anyhow, I put on my headphones 'cause I was bored and I looked out the window. Then I saw graffiti on the booth wall in back of me that said:
I love you
You like me
And there was a picture of a heart with an arrow through it.
Then the romantic drivel of Elliott Smith I was listening to sunk in like that arrow and I thought of the boy, maybe one of these westernized Nepalese boys with a leather jacket who wrote it. The man in the booth across is a businessman. He's pounding his beer, setting his glass down for only a couple of seconds before lifting it and taking another drink.
That's the space I'm in. The waiter keeps walking over every 15 seconds to see if I've put money on the little tray with fennel seeds and toothpicks. It says 54 rupees. They're probably pissed that I'm sitting here writing and not vacating their booth.
- Intro
- Angeles, Take Two
- Inflights
- In de pendence day
- Showermaster
- Read Here for Information on India
- Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya
- I Live in a Treehouse
- Random Stuff About This Place
- Straws, Bucks and Lawns
- Coming and Going
- Any Ol' Punk Will Do
- The View from Swaraj Terrace
- Freshlimesoda
- No Bowling Alleys or Prostitutes in This One
- Bowling Alleys: Only For the Young, Rich and Bored-Trendy.
- <meta name='keywords' content='sex, sex, sex, sex, sex'>
- I Met some Boys On a Train to Pushkar
- I Met some Boys On the Street in Pushkar
- Bus-tin a Move
- Pinky Eyes, They're Watchin You, They See Your Every Move
- What You Write when You're in a Sleeper Car
- Birthday Boy
- Movie Review
- Pretty Long, but Every Word the God's Honest Truth
- Givin Props
- Sticking With Strict Chronological Order, Here It Is
- Here's some more
- German Optics
- Shopper's Alert
- Eleanor
- Compassion
- Multi-Infarct Dementia
- Let us now praise protocol pioneers
- Thirty Four
- Cookie Cutter
- What Does Your Soul Look Like?
- Bye Bye, Swaraj Terrace
- Long, Boring Writing About a Short, Exciting Skateboard Ride
- Swingin For the Cheap Seats
- Request Timed Out
- Ah, Bed. "With Two Mattresses, Please."
- Giving Birth
- Momma, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up
- Ticketmaster
- This Journal Cost Me Sixty Dollars
- The Mahanagari Express
- We Got a Floater!
- Kiss My Holi Ass You Punks!
- Better Yet, Kiss My Diseased Holi Ass, You Punks
- Indian Beauty
- Exhibition Cum Sale
- The Puff Guide
- Man Surrounded by Tea: "Let's See some Magic Folks!"
- Sikkimese Graffiti
- Pelling Hotel Play-By-Play
- Brrrickfist Sah?
- Singapore Slingshot
- The Situation Is Right for a Lovely Fight