Friday July 11, 2003

I'm so glad I stumbled across this tonight while reading about primatology. Murray Gell-Mann, talks about Dick Feynman. He looks off camera, out the window, and speaks fondly but critically of "Mr. Science": "He couldn't keep his ego out of anything, and finally it got on my nerves." Feynman tells Murray that it's simply stupid to be required to wash one's hands after urinating. A superstition. (A point which Murray and I happen to agree on), Murray giggles when remembering that he washed his hands anyway after they peed together because they were on their way to the cafeteria to eat lunch, and Richard says, "You're just an ordinary person. You're just a salesman type." That's worth a hundred bucks. The Making of a physicist.

Sunday July 6, 2003

You have simply got to download this 5 meg file. It contains a conversation between Mildred Blitz and Walter Backerman that made me tear up outside of builder's resource this afternoon.