
This is a bunch of stuff I wrote about a trip to India and Thailand in November '98.
On the < left is a table of contents.
It's a journal that's been spruced-up a bit. There are pictures and sounds interspersed throughout.
The sections are broken up somewhat randomly, based on how much I felt like sitting in a cyber cafe and typing at the time.
There are some comments and travel-related links at the bottom of the contents.
- Intro
- The First Couple Days of Travel
- Planerides, a Night In Bombay
- A Day In Bangalore
- Two Days of Aristocratic Bliss
- Tales of The Road
- Dave Goes Out. Dave Stays In
- The Mysore Area
- Monkmail
- The Trainride
- Kerala and Back to Bangalore
- To Thailand, Almost, Finally
- I Knew I'd Like Thailand
- Turkey? Yeah....Some Day
- My Friend Noah
- The Travel Tables Are Turned
- About This Site