Sunday January 13, 2002

Partial Source for:
Submitted by: Gaurav Prasad, Audiophile from E Setauket, NY
This product's model year is 2000 and Gaurav has used it 1 to 3 months
Date Reviewed: 10/1/01 3:45:16 PM
Strengths: Clean Tight Bass, very LOUD, insane amount of BASS, speaker level line inputs, down firing, front port
Weaknesses: can get BOOMY at loud volumes, but for $195 its HOT, a EVER SO SLIGHT HUM when all components are off and Sub is idle
Similar Products Used: KSW-12, Aiwa 8"
Price Paid: $195
Purchased At: pc richard&son
Review Summary: First of all I want everyone to know Infinity makes Acoustic Research.....Nuff said.

Well I must say I picked this sub up, first of all its huge looks like a freakin coffee table...But honestly I love electronics..listen to a lot of Bass heavy music (RAP) and I have to say that the sub is AMAZING. I mean yes if I had 400-500$ then I could get something better, but for the price I got a great piece of equipment. I do notice a little bit of a HUM when the sub is on and its not putting out any says a peak of 480 watts that's a load of horse doodoo...its a coffee table I can sit on it and i'm 200lbs...but its tight, fairly clean bass from music boomy when set very loud, but I'm very happy with my purchase, and trUST ME I LOVE BASS just go look in the trunk of my car....for HT use its actually pretty decent..I dont have the $$$ yet to get a pair of really nice fronts...I have average fronts and rears but pretty decent components...I LOVE THE SUB <--nuff said.

My system:
Yamaha Htr5440 Receiever
Onkyo DVD Player using optical out
SONY CE375 5disc carousel using optical out
gemini turntable
panasonic hifi stereo vcr
Infinity/AR 112 SUB obviously!
bose 100 fronts and rears
audiosource 20band graphic eq

yes i know the 100's suck but i dont have cash yet to buy better speakers.
Value Rating: 5 Overall Rating: 4