Saturday October 27, 2001

This is a log crane on highway 120 in the Sierra foothills. I was eating my Sourdough Jack™ on the way up to Yosemite and when I saw this beast I laid down on the roadway and handheld a 4 second exposure. I kind of like all the noise that my digital camera generated. It aint tryin to be somethin it's not!

Friday October 26, 2001

Spent all day trying to learn Avid Xpress DV and looking around I'm listening to the Electroclash NYC Compilation. Look at me, I've been reduced to putting in bland diary entries ala "had 3 bowls of bite-size frosted miniwheats and half a bag of nacho cheese doritos for breakfast". I've hit rock bottom. I kinda wish I could just take a big bongrip and start editing but I twiddle and noodle and suck the fuzz off my teeth.

Tuesday October 23, 2001

Here's a vid of Marcie grabbing the cable. I thought the last part of the climb would be a piece of cake but I guess this late in the season they take down the poles that hold up the cables and remove the 2x4 steps from the rocks. Nothing but bare cable laying against the rock and they were heavy to lift. You had to slide your knuckles under them most of the time.

This is 8,900 feet in the air. You get pretty squirrelly when you exert yourself at that altitude. Marcie was scared shitless but she'd probably get upset with me if I said that on my website. Still, she powered up it and we were the only ones at the top as the sun went behind some clouds on the horizon. Sunset was 10 minutes away and as I look back, it was pretty stupid of us to try for the top because if our flashlights hadn't worked we'd be stuck 3 miles from camp with a big black moonless forest to crawl through. It woulda got ugly I'm sure.

Grabbing the Cable

:52 seconds
or download 3.7megs

Monday October 22, 2001

Ok, the shit is up. It's runnin and dare I say runnin like a charm. I had to go to Fry's today. Reminded me of the bad old days. In a number of ways. Like the Oregon Expressway. At least I know how to navigate it, having hammered the details of the freeway exit into my hippocampus. This blog is being written on my brand new, built from scratch, Windows XP laptop. It's 6:51am and I'm drowsy and ready to flop. I didn't get the thing reformatted until 1am so 6 hours to build my environment isn't bad I guess. It's slick stuff and I was needin' a house cleanin' so even though it took me all weekend and I didn't have much fun, I think it was worth it. I love ClearType, the new font anti-aliasing technology that XP uses for LCD displays. It's way-plush.

No pics or vids. Man's gotta have his tools ya know. I worked this hard so you will have the vids soon.

Oh, shit. I gotta move my car. Fuck.