Saturday June 16, 2001

Today turned out to be pretty fun. I just hung out with David but I got a lot of things done and I had enough face time with him to reassure me about the theater. He came over to help me carry my old couch out onto the sidewalk. I talked to him about the modifications I would like made to the Primco couch and he seemed agreeable. I showed him my projector and we're gonna watch a movie tomorrow night at the store. We checked out the huge screen that the guys down the street at the shoe store found in the basement. It was covered with mildew but we're gonna clean it and then we'll have a 30x40 screen. A whopper. I have to go to a party at Mica's house in Berkeley now. I'm excited because I haven't been to a party since London.

If you were actually reading this realtime, you'd probably be wondering where the pictures are. I'm gonna work on that tomorrow and add about 3 day's worth. I just didn't have the gumption to turn on my scanner. If you're reading this sometime in the future, you're seeing the photos before me.

Blackfriars Tube

Friday June 15, 2001

Damn. What a busy evening. I missed a show at Southern Exposure "Anything goes as long as it fits in a container about the size of a shoebox" that I really wanted to go to. After a couple of hours at the hardware store I was just too loaded up with neat stuff to work on around my house. I built a contraption to hang my projector from an old piece of Victorian-era molding and then I set my new screen up and then I watched the Brazil DVD that I bought. Got wasted on a mongo vodka gimlet and passed out on my new couch half way through the director's commentary on the uncut original version. I love Discount Builders Supply. I even bought a cordless drill.

I'll always remember this as "one last shot at exploitation". We were racing around Havana about 1 hour from getting back on the boat and I was shooting in the Plaza de la Catedral and guess who Squash ran into! And guess what? They were thirsty! Squash was like, "You comin?" and I hesitated and futzed with my camera and before I knew it they were gone.

I didn't want to be a party to the party again but I chased after them anyhow. They were going to milk us for mojitos one more time but it occurred to me that I may never hear them play again.

That's Pedro -- Professor de Bongo, Paolo -- Mi Corazon, Squash -- Margarita, and Pedro's wife who's name I could never remember but who's kindness I'll never forget.

Thursday June 14, 2001

I wanted to see what some other weblogs looked like so I went to - home of fine hypertext products which is supposedly one of the oldest and most popular weblogs. It was very good and filled with all kinds of web trickery and links to other tricky people. It made me go to and I think I'll put some of my pics up there.

He let me know about Noah Grey's weblogging software that I may use. Blogger is rather frustrating. And even though Noah doesn't support his software, at least I'll be on my own. When Blogger slowed down the 2nd week I was working on my blog it cost me a hell of a lot of time.

So I continued reading and found Textism and I laughed out loud 3 times in the first 30 seconds of that site so I bookmarked it and followed where it led me. Which was Tomato Nation for a little girl talk and finally to for a look at what may be the future of if I stay unemployed and perpetually noodling. The guys behind Textism and Ftrain are incredible writers.

London Blackfriars Tube

I was just watching the feed of World News Now and they had Declan Curry on from London to give the outlook on European financial markets and Jim, the guy that's filling in for Alison, tried to make some jokes with him about Indian food in the UK and Declan squashed them. After the segment was over and they went to commercial Jim said, "Jeez, who pissed on his Wheat-a-Bix?" Which was totally hilarious and then Declan came on and said, "I can still hear everthing you say." and the whole newsroom broke up. I couldn't tell you what the news was today. Don't really care.

Wednesday June 13, 2001

I've listened to Desolation Row by Bob Dylan about 40 times today. I got my projector. It's a Sanyo XP21N. Now it's sunny and a little windy. Don't know if I'm gonna play softball or watch the NBA tonight.


Tuesday June 12, 2001

Leavenworth street, SF.

Monday June 11, 2001

All part of the magnificient senery you can look at when you ride the train from the airport into Barcelona.

Sunday June 10, 2001

Noe Street and 14th, San Francisco, where they park 'em diagonal.